Of course you know that with a 4-card major you respond 2♣ and with a 5+ card major use Jacoby.
What about a hand with a 4 and a 5-card major? Look at East:
1. West East
♠ K J 10 ♠ Q 9 8 6
♥ Q 10 ♥ K J 8 6 5
♦ Q J 10 6 5 ♦ A 8 7
♣ A K 7 ♣ 5
West East
1 NT 2♣
2♦ 3♥
3 NT Pass
Bid Stayman with a 4 and a 5-card major so both suits are on the table.
If West bids either major, that’s the trump suit. If West bids 2♦ showing no major, East will bid hearts (2♥ with 8 or 9 points; 3♥ with 10+). West will then know everything and will either bid 4♥ with three hearts or 3 NT with only two hearts. In this example, West has only two hearts, so he bids 3 NT.
© 2013 Roberta Salob