Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2/1 Game Force: Responder's Second Bid – Part 6

If Opener rebid a new suit:

After a 2/1 response, opener can bid a new 4+ card suit (not 3 cards) on the 2-level, so responder should raise the new suit with 4-card support. With less support, try NT, or rebid a 6+ card suit, or bid the fourth suit (artificial – called "Fourth Suit Forcing") to get more information from opener.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2/1 Game Force: Responder's Second Bid – Part 5

Responder’s Second Bid After a 2/1 

Your partner opened the bidding and you gave him a game-forcing 2/1 response. Now it is your second bid and you are responsible for placing the final contract. You have all the information (two bids from opener), so you decide.

If you have 3-card support for opener's major, now is the time to show it.

 A 3                          South            North
 K J 4                       1                 2
 K Q 9 8 6                2 NT             3
 9 7 6