An informative collection of bridge ideas by renowned bridge expert Roberta Salob.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Agonizing Bids
When partner opens 1 NT and you have a three-suited hand with a singleton or void, depending on your point count, you need to make a decision:
♠ 8 ♥ K 8 6 4 ♦ K J 9 7 ♣ J 10 8 7
You have enough to invite a game, but if your Stayman 2♣ bid does not reveal a heart fit with partner, you must go back to 2 NT - this is not too savory, but you have no other good choice. Just hope partner can cover you singleton, or the opponents won't lead a spade, or if they do, they may block their own suit…….be brave!
But what if you are very weak?
♠ 8 6 4 3 ♥ 9 ♦ Q J 6 5 ♣ J 10 8 3
Pass. This is an awful hand to put on the table, but you have no safe place to run. If you bid 2♣ and partner bids 2♥, you are stuck.
But there is an exception to passing with a weak hand and no long suit:
♠ 8 5 4 3 ♥ 8 6 2 ♦ J 10 9 6 5 ♣ 4
With this assortment of junk, still bid 2♣! You will PASS any bid by partner, even 2♦. This is the only distribution (very short in clubs, long in everything else) that you can use Stayman. It's known as "Garbage Stayman".
© 2013 Roberta Salob
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