Responding on the one-level:
Partner has opened one-in-a-suit and your RHO bids Double. Bidding has changed since the glory days of Charles Goren (he's dead, you know…..) Mr. Goren said that a new suit always shows under 10 points because with ALL 10+ point hands, you would redouble. Not so anymore (sorry, Charlie…..) Here's a better way to play new suits bids by the responder after a takeout double:
Partner RHO You
1♦ Double 1♥*
* Most experts agree that bidding one-in-a-suit after a takeout double is a forcing bid showing 6+ points. It has the same meaning as if RHO passed. Your hand could look like this:
♠ 9 8 ♥ K Q J 10 8 7 ♦ J 7 4 ♣ K 9
Yes, you have the strength to redouble, but then it may be difficult to show your suit next time, especially if the opponents find a spade fit. Bid 1♥ now, and the next round jump in hearts to show a 6-card heart suit with invitational points, a perfect description.
Responding on the two-level:
This is not at all like responding without RHO bidding double! In Standard bridge, when the responder bids a new suit on the 2-level, it shows a good hand with at least 10 or 11+ points. But if you play that way, you would have to pass this hand:
Partner RHO You
1♥ Double ?♠ 9 5 3 ♥ 3 ♦ K Q J 9 8 6 ♣ J 4 3
It's now or never - since 2♦ would not be forcing after a takeout double (responder would redouble with 10+ points or bid one-in-a-suit, both forcing bids), you can bid 2♦ and partner will know you have a good 5 or 6+ card suit and under 10 points.
Takeout doubles change everything!
© 2013 Roberta Salob