Monday, July 1, 2013

Partner leads a spot card

Honor leads are easy to figure out - spot cards, that is the 2 thru 9, are ambiguous. The most common agreement is with three small cards, lead the lowest card.

•  Partner leads a high spot card

Almost always the lead of a high spot card (7, 8 or 9) is usually the start of a “high-low” signal: 

•  Partner leads a low spot card

A low card lead is the most confusing of all leads. It could be low from nothing (that is, no honor in the suit) or low from something. 

Leading low from “nothing” is a safe lead – you are not compromising your honor. You are not looking to develop any tricks in the suit.

If there is a single honor on top of your suit, it usually is not a desirable suit to lead, especially if the honor is the ace. The only time you can underlead your ace is in notrump. However, there are many situations in which suits headed by single honors, other than the ace, are led:

• Partner has bid the suit
• All of your suits have honors that are not in sequence.
• The bidding indicates this suit must be led.

When leading suits with single honors, lead low. If there are 4 or more cards, lead the fourth down.

• K 6 4  -  Lead the 4

• Q 9 6 3  -  Lead the 3

Avoid leading suits headed by an ace without the king. But if you do lead the suit, always lead the ace.

Keep your partner happy: read his lead.