The bidding goes: You LHO Partner RHO
1♠ 2♦ Pass Pass
You should make every effort to bid unless you have 13 to 16 points (minimum opener) and 3+ cards in the opponent’s suit.
Don’t forget your partner may have a decent hand with as many as 9-10 points but was unable to bid after the overcall.
There are five different bids the opener can make:
If you opened and partner passed, you can double for takeout. You need support for the two unbid suits. Opener can double with a minimum point count - it does not show extra points.
♠ K 10 8 You LHO Partner RHO
♥ A Q 8 6 1♦ 2♣ Pass Pass
♦ A 9 8 7 4 Dbl
♣ 2
You are showing support for hearts and spades. Your partner must answer (unless his RHO bids) by bidding hearts, spades, NT or raising diamonds.
Note: If partner is convinced their bid will go down, he may pass, converting the opener’s takeout double to a penalty double.
Rebid a 6-card suit
You may not rebid a 5-card suit, but 6 or more should be rebid:
♠ A K J 8 6 4 You LHO Partner RHO
♥ 6 4 1♠ 2♦ Pass Pass
♦ 9 5 2♠
♣ K Q 5
You have a good chance of making 2♠ or you may even push the opponents too high. If you had a stronger hand - let’s say another ace - you should jump to 3♠ to prod partner if he has some values.
Look for the next "Roberta's Blog" for three more options!
© 2013 Roberta Salob