Some of the golden rules you hold most sacred are disregarded on occasion because the “lie” is the lesser of evils.
Openers lie often because the lie is usually the only bid that makes sense:
Rule: Always bid a major when possible; Don’t open NT if you are unbalanced.
1. You
♠ 4 2 You should open 1 NT. Charles
♥ A Q 9 8 7 Goren would have said to open 1♥
♦ K 10 7 because of the worthless spade
♣ A Q J doubleton and the 5-card major.
But today, most experts open 1NT
to avoid rebid problems, despite
holding a 5-card major.
2. You
♠ K 9 You should open 1 NT. Charles
♥ Q J Goren would have said to open 1♦
♦ A J 9 8 7 6 because of the two doubletons.
♣ A 2 But opening 1 NT is better because
opening 1♦ presents distasteful
rebid problems. Ignore your doubletons.
Note: But don’t open 1 NT with 2 doubletons and a 5-card major.
Rule: Do not rebid 1 NT with a singleton.
You Opp. Partner Opp.
1♣ Pass 1♠ Pass
3. You Your second bid of 1NT should
♠ 9 show a balanced hand. But there are
♥ Q J 7 6 hands where bidding 1NT with a
♦ K 9 8 singleton in partner’s suit is the
♣ A Q 6 5 2 lesser of evils. Bidding 2♥ is too
expensive (a reverse bid) and rebidding
clubs should show 6+.
©2013 Roberta Salob