Rule: Bid a takeout double when you are short in the opponent’s suit and long (at least 3 cards) in all the unbid suits.
Opp. You
1♣ ??
#5 #6 #7
♠ J 10 7 2 ♠ A Q 9 7 6 ♠ A J 9
♥ A Q 9 8 ♥ J 9 8 ♥ K Q 7
♦ K 9 ♦ Q 7 6 ♦ 10 9 6 4 2
♣ A 10 9 ♣ A 2 ♣ A Q
5. Double, even though you cannot support the unbid suit, diamonds. Your partner will bid a 4-card major in response to a takeout double, even if he has a 5-card minor, so take a chance you’ll hit pay dirt with a major. If partner does respond 1♦, then just pass quietly (and leave town).
6. Bid 1♠. True, you are short in their clubs and long in all other suits (great for a double), but you cannot ignore your 5-card spade suit. If you double, partner is likely to bid diamonds or hearts and you’ll have to accept it. Doubling and then bidding your own suit shows 18+ points – a power double.
7. Bid 1NT. You are short in the opponent’s bid suit, and long in all other suits, but 1NT is so perfect here. It shows your point count and distribution in one bid. If your partner has a 5-card major, he can still use Jacoby, even though you overcalled rather than opened 1NT. So you cover all bases with 1NT, and avoid playing in a 7-card trump suit if partner responded to your double in his 4-card major. Overcalling 1NT shows 15-18 HCP.
©2013 Roberta Salob