Monday, September 2, 2013

Third Hand Play - Part One

 When are you “Third Hand”?

The third hand refers to the defense - specifically to the partner of the leader. Unlike the second hand, third hand is the last stop for your side - your partner has already played. The third hand has some special guidelines to follow:

1. If there is no honor in the dummy, third hand plays a high card. Not medium high... High.

                                                   6 5 2
                           Partner                                    You
                          7 lead                  ❏              A J 4

Partner led the 7. Dummy plays the 2. You must play your A; the J won’t do. Declarer could have the Q and partner the K - playing the J would give declarer a free trick. 


2. When third hand has touching honors, he plays his cheapest honor.

Yes, third hand plays high, but not always the highest card. With a suit headed by the A K, follow with the King; With K Q, follow with the Queen, with Q J, follow with the Jack, with J 10, the 10.

So when third hand plays an honor, he says, “I do not have the honor immediately below.”

                                                      6 4 3
                       You                                                      Partner
                    10 9 8                         ❏                     K played
                                                  A played

You lead the 10. Dummy plays the 3. Partner plays the K and declarer wins the A. Who has the Q? Declarer! With the KQ, partner would have played the Q.

—to be continued