With 13 to 16 points and 3-card support, first bid 2 in a new suit, then support opener’s major:
♠ Q J 8 South North
♥ A 3 1♠ 2♦
♦ K Q 5 3 2 2 NT 3♠
♣ J 7 6
Using the 2/1 system, North took two bids to show support. This shows 3-card support and 13+ points.
The Weak Freak
With 5+ card support and a weak hand, jump to 4 in opener's major. You should have a void or a singleton someplace in your hand. Use this jump to keep your opponents out of the bidding.
♠ 6 South North
♥ K 9 7 4 3 1♥ 4♥
♦ Q 5 3 2
♣ 9 7 5
Stay tuned for Part Four!
©2014 Roberta