An informative collection of bridge ideas by renowned bridge expert Roberta Salob.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
2-Over-1: Major Suit Raises – Part Two
Responder Has 3- or 4-Card Support
With 11-12 points and 3-card support, first bid 1 NT then jump in opener’s major:
♠ A 6 4 South North
♥ K 8 1♠ 1 NT
♦ 8 4 3 2 2♦ 3♠
♣ K J 7 6
This is a convoluted route, but the attraction is that North showed 11-12 points and exactly 3-card support.
With 11-12 points and 4+ card support, jump immediately to 3 in opener's major:
(This is a "Limit Raise")
♠ 8 3 South North
♥ K Q 8 7 1♥ 3♥
♦ A Q 6 5
♣ 8 6 5
This will be great news to South: North has 11-12 points (limit raise) and 4+ trumps. South can bid games and slams with less points since he knows there is a 9+ card trump suit.
Stay tuned for Part Three!
©2013 Roberta Salob