Opener’s Next Bid
You opened and then bid your second suit. Responder bids this “convention” by bidding the fourth suit. What next?
♠ J 8 7 6 North South
♥ K 9 1♣ 1♥
♦ K Q 5 1♠ 2♦*
♣ A J 9 8 ??
*Fourth-Suit Forcing
Here’s another hand for North:
♠ A 8 7 6 North South
♥ K J 2 1♦ 1♥
♦ A J 9 8 7 1♠ 2♣*
♣ 9 ??
*Fourth-Suit Forcing
North’s best bid now is 2♥. North had denied four hearts by not raising immediately, so 2♥ now shows exactly 3-card support. If South has a 5-card heart suit, he will be ecstatic. If he only has four hearts, he’ll bid something else.
♠ A 8 North South
♥ K Q 9 8 6 1♥ 1♠
♦ 2 2♣ 2♦*
♣ A Q 5 4 3 ??
*Fourth-Suit Forcing
North’s best bid is 3♣ showing five hearts and five clubs. 3♣ denies a NT hand and it denies 3-card spade support for South.
Fourth Suit Forcing and Artificial
• Used when responder has 13+ points.
• Responder may not have the fourth suit.
• Opener now describes his hand - bidding NT shows a stopper in the fourth suit.
• The convention is cancelled if RHO bid.
• Opener alerts the fourth suit at duplicate.