How Reversing Changes Your Life
Don’t reverse with under 17 points.
♠ A J 4 North South
♥ K Q 9 8 1♦ 1♠
♦ A 6 5 4 3 2♠*
♣ 6
*2♠ is not a new suit! Bidding 2♥ would be a reverse.
North cannot bid 2♥ – a reverse – with only 15 points. However, not to worry, North. South probably doesn't have 4 hearts; with 4 hearts and 4 spades, South would have responded 1♥ first.
North raises South to 2♠, even though North has only 3 spades (it’s better than rebidding diamonds or 1 NT with a singleton!)
♠ 4 West East
♥ A Q 7 6 1♦ 1♠
♦ K 9 8 3 2 ??
♣ K 10 6
West has several bad choices:
- The worst is to pass. East has an unlimited hand, so West cannot leave him in 1♠.
- Bid 2♥. This is definitely a "reverse". West has put East in jeopardy. He may be forcing East to take a preference on the 3-level with only 6 points.
- Bid 2♦. You should have at least 6 cards to rebid your first suit.
- Bid 1NT. Not great either, but at least your singleton is in partner's suit.