With only a 5-card major and 12-14 points, bid a second suit, even if it is only a 3-card(!) minor:
♠ K 8 7 South North
♥ K Q 8 5 4 1♥ 1 NT
♦ 7 6 2♣
♣ K Q 4
This is not at all like Standard American! In Standard American, South would have passed the 1 NT response, for better or worse. But playing 1 NT Forcing, South must bid.
Since South cannot rebid a 5-card major after a 1 NT response, and he doesn’t have a 4-card suit to bid and raising to 2 NT is definitely out, he has no choice but to bid a 3-card minor. (never bid a 3-card major).
This is only necessary when opener has 12-14 balanced points (with 15-17, open 1 NT; with 18-19, he can rebid 2 NT).
Jump shift with 19+ points:
♠ A 6 5 South North
♥ K Q J 6 5 1♥ 1 NT
♦ 2 3♣
♣ A K Q 3
This is just like Standard American – forcing.
Try Your Hand
♠ K 6 5 South North
♥ K Q 9 6 5 1♥ 1 NT
♦ A 4 ?
♣ J 7 2
Bid 2♣. Don’t even think of passing, or worse, bidding 2 NT.
♠ A Q 9 8 4 South North
♥ K J 8 7 1♠ 1 NT
♦ 3 ?
♣ A 7 3
South bids 2♥. This promises 4+ hearts. Only a minor suit can be bid with 3 cards.
©2013 Roberta Salob