After a 1 NT response to a major, opener must bid again:
If you have a 6+ card major, rebid it:
♠ A K 9 8 4 2 South North
♥ 2 1♠ 1 NT
♦ K 7 6 2♠
♣ K 9 8
This is just like Standard American.
Rebidding opener’s suit guarantees 6+ cards.
With only a 5-card major, bid a new four-card suit:
♠ A J 9 4 3 South North
♥ K 8 1♠ 1 NT
♦ 7 6 2♣
♣ K Q 5 4
This is just like Standard American.
Bid 2 NT with a balanced 18-19 points:
♠ A K 9 4 3 South North
♥ K Q 2 1♠ 1 NT
♦ Q J 9 2 NT
♣ K 5
This is just like Standard American. This leaves room for North to describe his 1 NT response.
Note: 2 NT is not a "catch-all" bid. You need 18-19 points!
Tune in next time for Part Two!
©2013 Roberta Salob