Responder Has Less Than 3-Card Support
If partner opened in a major and you responded 1 NT, it will be assumed you have less than 3-card support. For exceptions, see upcoming post: Major Suit Raises.
If you have a 6+ card suit, bid it:
(a strong 5+ card suit may be bid on the 2-level)
♠ 3 South North
♥ Q J 9 7 6 5 1♠ 1 NT
♦ K 7 6 2♦ 2♥
♣ 8 5 4 Pass
This is called the "drop dead" bid. North showed 5+ hearts and crummy points. South is expected to pass, even with a singleton heart, unless he has something important to say. With 10-12 points, North would have jumped to 3♥.
Raise opener’s second suit:
♠ 7 South North
♥ A Q 6 1♠ 1 NT
♦ K J 8 6 4 2♦ 3♦
♣ 8 7 4 2
Since South’s second suit may be only 3 cards, North needs 5 cards to raise. If South’s rebid was 2♥, then North needs only 4 hearts to raise. This bid shows top of the 1 NT range (9-12 points).
Return to opener’s major with 2-card support:
♠ 9 6 4 South North
♥ K 8 1♥ 1 NT
♦ Q 8 7 6 2♣ 2♥
♣ J 4 3 2
Don’t support the minor as it might be only 3 cards. Bidding 1 NT Forcing, then returning to opener’s major, shows 2-card support. It is called "taking a preference" and shows a minimum point count.
Note: For exceptions, see upcoming post: Major Suit Raises.
©2013 Roberta Salob